
CCGIA Gang Conference Update:

Many people have contacted us, asking us to bring the conference back / are you holding a conference this year / when is the next conference.

The long and the short of it are this: to put on a training like the CCGIA conference at the Double Tree Inn is not a matter of having the funds, because what is costs us to put on the training is passed directly on to the students as tuition, since we are a non-profit.

The issue is that we need to secure at least 8-10 volunteers to ACTIVELY work on tasks for the six months leading up to the conference; and another 5-6 just for the first day’s registration and logistics. During the conference we need 6-8 people daily to make the conference go smoothly.

We would love to hold the conference again, we have the instructors and current topics that we would want to provide and we have the POST and STC certification to do so. The issue boils down to having enough people volunteer their time to help make it possible and get it all together before hand.

If you would like to see the conference presented again, feel free to contact us and tell us you are willing to volunteer to put the conference together. If we have enough people, then we will do it for sure.

An example of roles that need to be fulfilled are: contacting and registering vendors to be at the conference daily, staffing the CCGIA merchandise table, securing quality raffle prizes to give away for 3 days, designing and preparing “welcome packages” for attendees, etc. If you are interested in assisting with putting on the conference, contact us directly.

Until then, CCGIA is focusing on providing the most relevant and up-to-date training and information possible with our “1 day seminars”.


Stay Safe

– CCGIA Board of Directors